25.03 and policing done right

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The boys in blue have a TOUGH job, the best cop I could be would be sledge hammer. Here is a video where a parent REFUSED to turn over a child for their court ordered  custody time (violation of Texas Penal Code 25.03) and used their employer in the process to confuse and intimate the other parent.

They called the police on the father trying to intimidate him(ex-wife works for the company). The police officers rightly cited the laws for 25.03 and informed both parties what their rights were and did a great job, not only of diffusing the matter, but pushing to conclusion to ensure that the child got to spend their time with the father.

A personal ATTABOY to officers Felton and Whalen for their professionalism and compassion!!!!!

Officer Felton 8900

Officer Whalen 9261

Of special note was how the father, in light of all of this, remained calm and did the right thing.

Thank you to the police, the father, and 25.03 for uploading this for everyone to see.

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Please contact the Austin police department and let them know about their two awesome officers!

main number: 512-974-5000

email: policeoversight@austintexas.gov

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AustinPolice

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