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Collection of videos (currently unsorted) and podcasts from across the internet on the topics of Equal Shared Parenting, Custody Interference, fatherlessness, and more...


91 Videos

Shows the Pissed Off Parent has appeared on:

88 Videos

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EVERYTHING on this site is shareable and I encourage EVERYONE to share this content that is FREELY available on the pissedoffparent.com website, youtube channel, Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, Locals , ROKU, Amazon Firestick, and Twitter (and wherever the hell else I have posted content)…but, PLEASE, for the love of God, do NOT STEAL my content and rebrand it as your own….and you know who you are . I spend a lot of time creating stuff to raise awareness, and seeing it stolen by no talent hacks that cant make their own pisses me off. Again, SHARE away, but don’t steal it and say you made it.  
