Fast Facts/Links

Arizona study showing the negative impacts on children when they are fatherless

26 of the 27 mass shootings come from fatherless homes

Mothers fail to pay child support 

Fast Facts

Texas Comtroller database for searchable Tax Revenue data

Texas 2018/2019 budget

Justice Department Announces Resources to Assist State and Local Reform of Fine and Fee Practices

OSCE’s document on alternatives to incarceration for inability to pay child support

OSCE’s letter on Turner v Rogers ruling

OSCE’s pdf on how to obtain realistic Child support collections

NCSL’s state by state child support disbursement

NCSL’s links relating to child support

NCSL’s state summary of license restrictions for failure to pay child support

(HHS)OSCE’s site for all things child support

OSCE’s searchable grants

Kids Count searchable database

TAGGS HHS search (use OPDIV->ACF  and CFDA-> 93563 & 33564)

Statistics on fatherless homes

Article from Larry Elder on the importance of fathers

Impact of fatherlessness

Natl Assoc of Independent Schools PEW research data on change in parenting landscape

Random Links

Every Dad Loses Divorce

Research supports shared parenting

Cooperative Parenting AFTER divorce: A Canadian Legal Perspective

After divorce, shared parenting is best for children’s health and development

Shared parenting research (collection)

How a change in parenting can improve education at no cost to taxpayers

Texas Law Help

Republicans should man up for shared parenting article

The Consequences of Fatherlessness

Incorrect Custody breakdown by state (CustodyXchange)

Shared parenting site

Fix family courts

Family court reform

Dr Linda Nielson

Statistics on Fatherless Children in America

Appreciating How Fathers Give Children a Head Start

Quicks Facts About Child Support in America from US Census Bureau Statistics

TANF arrears continue to decline

State by State Child Support data NCSL

Children in single parent families by race in the US

Divorce cost by state

Marriage and divorce rates by state 2008-2018

NCSL Child support 101


Data portal

Texas Contempt and Remedies