Collection of (growing) uncategorized links, etc. to items related to Equal Shared Parenting
- Suicide Rates Higher for Divorced Men
- Do NOT put yourself on Child Support
- Impacts on Corporate Revenue due to Divorce
- CFRP Publication 2021 for the importance of fathers
- CDC Report Black Fathers are MOST involved
- Link between Divorce and Child suicide
- Mental problems in children of divorced parents
- Neilsen Studies
- Divorce Corp excerpt
- Countering arguments against shared custody
- Texas Child Support/Custody in plain english
- Title IV-D of the Social Security Act
- 5yr payout from Title IV-D by state (pg 42 & 43)
- TANF and CS by State (2012)
- Supreme Court Case challenging Best Interests Doctrine
- OAG amicus concerning best interest of the child
- Troxel v Granville (Supreme Court case)
- TX Case law summary on duty to pay Child Support
- Family Relationships (legal perspective)
- HHS Tags
- HHS and information on fathers
- OSCE map
- Divorce Statistic analysis from a law firm
- Child deaths by type
- Child abuse by relationship
- TX Child Support guidelines review (2013)
- TX Bar disciplinary rules
- Collection of Equal Shared Parenting studies
- 2008 Title IV-D document
- 1986 Guide for judges in CS enforcement
- Judges as Parental Alienators
- 167 red flags of parental alienation
- Article on children loving and hating a parent
- Allegations of Family Violence in Court
- Fathers role according to Pediatricians
- Children in single parent homes by race
- Rise of the deadbeat mom
- 1.6 million dads paying for children that are not theirs
- Fake DV charges
- Debtors prisons and Child Support
- Family Court Bias article
- Only 18% Of American Households Are Families With Married Parents
- 2020 OCSE Child Support Data
- HHS A Collaboration and Strategic Planning Guide for States: Child Access and Visitation Grant Programs
- OAG Co-Parenting
- Phyllis Schafly-We should reform Child Support
- Texas Parenthood Tax
- Top 10 Texas cases
- Agony of being a 50/50 mum
- Texas schools can’t withhold student health info from parents, AG Paxton says
- “I feel erased_” A qualitative analysis of grandparent experiences of parental alienation
- Child Maltreatment Report 2020 HHS
- USDA Expenditures on Children by Families, 2015
- Texas Judges Bias
- child abuse victims in the United States in 2020, by perpetrator relationship
- (PG7) Child Custody Evaluators’ Beliefs About Domestic Abuse Allegations: Their Relationship to Evaluator Demographics, Background, Domestic Violence Knowledge and CustodyVisitation Recommendations
- Washington State data on inequity of male parenting time
- Illinois Science report showing Judge gender bias
- Australia: Parenting arrangements after separation
- Who pays more
- Dadication Website with Dad resources
- Tarrant county, TX Custody Results
- Grandparent study
- 85 secrets that Judges and Lawyers dont want you to know about the corrupt divorce courts
- 82% (or more) child abuse cases are unfounded
- Nuturing dads raise emotionally intelligent kids
- TX 2022 Poll data on Child support
- List of proposed/passed ESP legislation
- Dads brains are ready to bond with kids
- How Do Family Court Judges Theorize about Parental Alienation? A Qualitative Exploration of the Territory
- Consequences of fatherlessness
- Parental Alienation in Family Court Attacking Expert Testimony
- Open letter to family court
- Study: Conflict between divorced parents can lead to mental health problems in children
- Benefits of 50/50
- Parental Alienation on extended family
- Crying Wolf the use of False Accusations_research
- The Absent Black Father: Race, The Welfare-Child Support System, and the Cyclical Nature of Fatherlessness
- Study on when its wrong to cheat....
- Spain study on Equal Shared Parenting
- TX - Requirement of finding of facts
- international Study on issues with Child Support
- US Divorce Child Murder Data 2008 - Present
- FB group of pro bono lawyers
- 50 50 parenting
- Child Custody and Religion
- Single Parents Statistics 2023
- Study produced by Dr Brooks McKenzie on attachment issues and early childhood experience
- CPS False Allegations
- Draft Summary: Overview of Family Court Outcomes Study
- Father Involvement Study CDC 2006-2010
- Tool Kit for Attorneys Representing the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services in Child Protection Cases
- Grandparents custody state by state
- Custodial Mothers and Fathers and Their Child Support: 2013
- The Rise of Single Fathers
- Five Facts About Today's Single Fathers
- Inequalities in Poverty and Income between Single Mothers and Fathers
- Single Moms Struggling Worldwide, Particularly in U.S.
- Single mothers have a higher risk of mood disorders
- Single Mother Statistics
- Unmarried, Professional Women Unhappiest in the USE
- People who believe in astrology tend to be more narcissistic and less intelligent
- U.S. Suicide Rates Are Rising Faster Among Women Than Men
- Women And Prescription Drugs: One In Four Takes Mental Health Meds
- Experts discover a secret to marital happiness that's only been known to anyone in history who ever read the Bible
- The Case For An Older Woman
- Marriage rates are on the decline because of fewer 'economically-attractive' men as women are focused to choose between remaining single or 'settling' for less successful partners
- Black women are the least desirable
- The uncomfortable racial preferences revealed by online dating
- For Online Daters, Women Peak at 18 While Men Peak at 50, Study Finds. Oy.
- Asians struggle with dating
- Trends in Frequency of Sexual Activity and Number of Sexual Partners Among Adults Aged 18 to 44 Years in the US, 2000-2018
- Why Young Adults, Especially Men, Are Having Sex Less Frequently
- Gender and sexual orientation differences in sexual response to sexual activities versus gender of actors in sexual films.
- Gender and sexual orientation differences in sexual response to sexual activities versus gender of actors in sexual films.
- Study on difference in Female, Male Sexuality
- American women hold two-thirds of all student debt
- Top 10 Things Everyone Should Know About Women Consumers
- Rise of the SHEconomy
- Why promoted women are more likely to divorce
- 3 Reasons Why Women Initiate Divorce More Often Than Men
- Men work more hours than women
- Men 23 times more likely to die in workplace than women
- Femals victims of Sexual Violence 1994-2010
- False Reporting Rape
- 1 in 5 women have NOT been raped on college campuses
- Parental alienation guide
- US Census Divorce Data
- NPR article on fatherlessness
- Article on growing up fatherless
- DHS accused of intentionally splitting up families
- FREE Parenting Certification class
- 940 kids killed during custody fights, etc.
- Iowa - CS is not going to children
- Collection of William Fabricus's research on parenting
- Research on 50/50 parental natural rights
- Reunification Therapy
- The American Invention of Child Support: Dependency and Punishment in Early American Child Support Law
- Single Family (raw) data
- Gender and Child Custody Outcomes Across 16 Years of Judicial Decisions Regarding Abuse and Parental Alienation
- Constitutional right to Due Process (submitted by Chuck Dizzle)
- Judges receive Title IV-D funds for Retirement, Time Off, Insurance, etc.
- Title IV-D Funding Resource Guide (SRLN 2014, revised 2017)
- State Financing of Child Support Enforcement Programs
- Use of Title IV-D Child Support Program Resources For Court Based Self-Help Services
- Curt Smith: After divorce, shared parenting is key to happy kids
- United States Department of Health and Human Services NIS report (Abuse and Neglect Fig. 5-9
- Paradox on female unhappiness study
- Juveniles abused more by women than by men
- Canada Custody and Access Report
- UK resource for helping male victims of domestic violence
- Revealing Divorce Statistics In 2024
- Global Antidepressant usage
- Stop Saying Men Are More Responsible for Domestic Violence Than Women
- Single Mother Statistics
- DOJ Doc on Fines and Fees
- 45 Years of Data Disproving the Myth ThatHusbands Are The Abusers
- Male domestic violence victims ‘often arrested due to false accusations by their abusers’, study finds
- The Case for 50/50 Timesharing When Parents Divorce
- States ranked by % of babies born on medicaid
- Various stats for US Health and other data
- 2022 article on who commits parental alienation more