
a man holding a letter lightbox
child support

DNA Testing – When you are NOT the father

DNA testing has revolutionized the field of paternity testing, providing a reliable and accurate method to determine biological relationships. However, one question that often arises is, “What are the statistics

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shallow focus photography of boy
Custodial Interference

Think you have rights as a parent?

California, known for its progressive policies and commitment to social justice, has once again stirred up controversy with a proposed bill that aims to remove parents who do not accept

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person in white long sleeve shirt and black pants

Divorce Statistics in 2023

Divorce is a reality that many couples face, and understanding the statistics behind this life-altering decision can shed light on the magnitude of the issue. In this blog, we delve

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judge signing on the papers
child support

Court Watching – a How To guide

Court watching, also known as courtroom observation, is an essential activity that allows individuals to witness the workings of the legal system firsthand. By observing judicial proceedings, citizens can gain

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