Home / Abuse by Women
Florida woman accused of beating girlfriend’s toddler son to death with tire iron
DEADBEAT Mother charged with MURDER & CHILD ABUSE in beating of twin boys…..
Mother dumps baby body in trash (update-with poetic justice)
Woman puts child porn on Ex-husbands phone
Woman runs over cheating boyfriend
Boy Found Dead in Minnesota Days After Mom Awarded Full Parental Custody
Only Fans girl stabs boyfriend to death
Mother and Step dad kill 5yr old boy
My husband is perfect, I’m just greedy: The 30-year-old cheating on her spouse
Mother hacked her daughter, 12, to death with a meat cleaver because the girl didn’t want to go to school
Woman pours boiling water on husband’s genitals when she suspected him of infidelity
Woman who burned and buried baby
Woman bites dates nose off….no jail time
Mother kills children because the father would not go back to her
Disturbing Details Emerge as she Admits to Choking and Dismembering Man
South Dakota woman admits to making false rape report after an extramarital tryst in Florida
mom kills her 2 children, self
Pennsylvania Mom Who Killed Her Sleeping Sons to Get Back at Ex-Husband Was Facing Eviction
Florida woman custody exchange murder
A judge had ordered three Colorado children to spend Christmas with their father before his ex-wife allegedly violated the custody decree and killed two of the kids
UK resource for helping male victims of domestic abuse
Stop Saying Men Are More Responsible for Domestic Violence Than Women
Prevalence of Psycopothy
Article with data links for statistics
Guardian Article regarding abuse
Secret facebook group laughing about abusing men
Domestic Violence
Psych news article
CPS.gov document on intimate/family violence
How women use fake DV to get the upperhand
Recent Incidents Reveal Need to Address Long-Neglected Problem of Violent and Abusive Women
CDC Data on intimate partner violence (table 9 & 11)
CDC Violence prevention (Tables 4.9 and 4.10)
Violence Against Men
Harvard Report that 70% of DV performed by women
Perpetrator by Type
Study on when its wrong to cheat….
Mom with 11 kids by 8 baby daddies
Baby factory proud to be on welfare…
Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010
False Reporting
1 in 5 women have NOT been raped on college campuses
The myth of the college ‘rape culture’
The Rape ‘Epidemic’ Doesn’t Actually Exist
Cleveland woman left 16 mo old alone for a week
Mother claims son went missing….
Mother sentenced after pleading guilty in 4-year-old daughter’s fentanyl-related death
Fourth-grade teacher and mother of two charged with raping boy, 12, at her Tennessee home: ‘It’s unspeakable’
Mom allegedly drowns baby at hotel hoping to show boyfriend he was her top priority
The horrific Fool Me Once-style nanny-cam footage that exposed an abusive wife
Male domestic violence victims ‘often arrested due to false accusations by their abusers’, study finds
Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury Between Relationships With Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Intimate Partner Violence
Prevalence and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence in Canada as Measured by the National Victimization Survey
Male Victims of Female-Perpetrated Partner Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of Men’s Experiences, the Impact of Violence, and Perceptions of Their Worth
Unsorted link of videos, screenshots, etc. of women behaving badly