Personal Background
Like many people, I had an opinion on abortion, and like many people it was a typical I thought it was wrong (modified pro-choice), but not my choice, not my concern, not my fight. As the abortion question kept being brought up in the media, I decided that I would look into it and settle it in my head once and for all. After doing all of the research, I am firmly in the pro-life camp. This is decision that was reached from a scientific perspective as the philosophical implications are non existent based on established science.
The question comes down to, “what is the unborn?” If the unborn is not human, then it is essentially like getting a tooth pulled and the debate is over….but, if the unborn is human, then no argument is adequate to end the baby’s life.
The acronym S.L.E.D. stands for Size, Level if Development, Environment, Degree of dependency.
Size – A persons size makes them no less or no more important than someone else. I am 5’10” (5’11’ on a good day) and my wife is 5’3″….am I more important than she is? No……
Level of development – A persons physical/mental development does not make them more or less important than someone else. My children are not at the age where they can have children, or be physically as strong as me….that does not make them any less of a human than me. An acorn is no less a tree than a full grown acorn tree….it is still a TREE at that stage of development
Environment – Where a person is located does not make them any more or less important as someone else. Just because a child is in the womb, does not make them any more or less valuable than a child that has been born
Degree of Dependency – Children, and a number of adults cant take care of themselves, it does not make them any more or less valuable than someone else
This video expands on the SLED argument.
Government position on personhood
real life survivors of abortion
Princeton article
Princeton “life begins at fertilization”
Child at 18 weeks
Common arguments for abortion:
What about rape?
The main question, is “what is the unborn”? Since science has repeatedly shown that life begins at conception (uniting of sperm and egg), the baby is a human life at conception. Then regardless of how the child is conceived, it is still murder. How the child was conceived doesn’t change if it is a human life or not.
Baby has a defect?
The main question, is “what is the unborn”? Since science has repeatedly shown that life begins at conception (uniting of sperm and egg), the baby is a human life at conception. For child defects, having a defect does not change that it is a human child.
Baby is unwanted?
Outside of the fact that there a number of alternatives (adoption for example), wanting a child does not determine if you can murder one or not.
Can’t afford?
Outside of the fact that there a number of alternatives (adoption for example), wanting a child does not determine if you can murder one or not.
Health of the mother?
Statistics show that the overwhelming percentage of abortions are for convenience. Less than 6-8% of abortions are due to the health of the mother. With that information, if the parents and doctor agree that the risk of losing two humans warrants losing one (kind of like conjoined twins), this may make sense.
Outside of the fact that there a number of alternatives (adoption for example), wanting a child does not determine if you can murder one or not.